Top Indicators Your Car Needs an Oil Change: Expert Tips for Timely Maintenance

One of the obligations that should not be regarded as unimportant when speaking about car maintenance is changing the oil in the engine. However, it is important to understand that engine oil also becomes ineffective the longer it is used. This one has a central duty of performing the role of the engine’s ball bearing to minimize the impact of friction and heat, which, if ignored, poses risks. As a result, the engine oil should be replaced after a given time of use at a specific interval.

Signs It’s Time for an Oil Change

To keep your car running smoothly, look for these key indicators that suggest it’s time to change your oil:

1. Check Engine or Oil Change Light

The oil change light indicates the state of the engine oil; which, when red,  implies to the driver that there’s a need for an oil change.

2. Oil Smell Inside the Car

If the interior of the car has some smell of oil coming from it, then it is likely that there is a leak in the oiling system or the oil is getting burnt. This condition has to be rectified as soon as possible because the drip may distort other parts of the engine and may cause ignition.

3. Excessive Exhaust Smoke

There is always a certain level of smoke coming from a car’s exhaust pipe. However, if the colour of the smoke is blue or grey, it might be due to burning oil caused by worn piston rings or valve seals. This indicates a need for an oil change. 

4. Decreased Fuel Efficiency

If the amount of oil in the engine is not enough or damaged, it is not able to minimize friction. This leads to more fuel being consumed during engine operation. So, if you are receiving lower mileage than before from your car, then it may be time for an oil change.

5. Engine Overheating

Engine oil also has the added advantage of helping cool the engines as it also has heat-reducing capabilities. Of course, if the oil is extremely worn or if the amount of oil within the engine is minimal, then this engine is likely to overheat.

6. High Mileage

The number of times the oil of a specific car needs to be changed depends on how often the car is used, as frequent users require a regular change of the oil. You should also look for such information in the car manual, or you could consult an auto expert to direct you to the right time to change the oil.

How Often Should You Change Car Oil?

Earlier, it was quite common to think that the oil of the car should be changed after 3000 miles or three months. Nevertheless, because of modern technology used in the manner of oil production and car engines, most of the car models can be run for 5000 to 7500 miles or even more before one is required to change the oil. One should also remember to replace other sorts of fluids like car gear oil, which is also important for the working of a car transmission.


There are routine services that have to be run on your car, and an oil change is one of them. In order to avert significant issues and unnecessary charges, the best course of action should be vigilance and checking out for signs like the engine check light on the dashboard, the darkish colour of the oil and any sounds out of the engine that seem unusual as well as low fuel economy. The periods within which an oil change should be carried out should be done as suggested by the car owner’s manual. The signs of oil change mentioned are important to pay attention to so that you can change your car engine oil at appropriate intervals to make your vehicle run efficiently and have long durability.

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